Featured Artist | Jonathan Jaeger

Jonathan Jaeger

Silver Spring, MD

I started painting with sketch Guru app and then taught myself everything there is to know about painting. Art has always been one of my passions so I kept on learning about everything and everyone who ever pick up a brush. Picasso and Jean Michael Bisquiat are my favorites to name a few. But I am a abstract mixed Media painter for the most part. I come from Pittsburgh Pennsylvania. I am adopted, biracial and blessed to paint for anyone who will own these beautiful visions. So please let me create something for you, please look into the mind of a self taught artist.

I create as a thought process. I often use creativity to solve creative problems by blending all my art together to create something never seen before. I often take what’s inside my head and say there is no reason other people , shouldn’t see what I see and if expands their minds I am happy for that person because maybe they see something that I didn’t see myself when creating my work of art. I love vivid colors and content within my work so it reaches out and powerfully grabs a person, and yet, often my artwork often doesn’t fit into a nice little box its fluid like water taking shape of whatever concept I want to convey. Its flexible in that one minute the audience thinks or feels something, then I may write something with text and what they read makes then dive deeper into a conscious state which has nothing to do with what they were focusing on before.

I paint abstractly because my thoughts are abstract, I see the world as abstract. I bleed paint onto whatever canvas I can use, to exercise demons for the salvation of myself and others who may find something their seeking in one of my works of art. My process is to be in the right state of mind to create which could be something I have seen or heard or a memory from a different time or even a time which I have created from my imagination. Sometimes it is as new to me as it is to those who are seeing it for the very first time.

Two years ago I started the company Radiant Art.

Radiantartworks is what I started most recently on Etsy.com.

My link is https://www.etsy.com/shop/RadiantArtworks

Donations will be used to begin work on future creations in My Etsy such as sticker creations, print on demand and art supplies to continue painting creations for sale within the community and endeavors within the art world near and far.

Instagram: j366743

Facebook: Jonathan Jaeger @ Radiant artwork

TikTok: @othello70/Radiant artworks

Etsy.com: https://www.etsy.com/shop/RadiantArtworks

Mad Hatter | Digit Art | 8x10
Mad Hatter | Digit Art | 8×10
Heavy is the Crown | Procreate/digital art | 8x10
Heavy is the Crown | Procreate/digital art | 8×10
Hand Model | Procreate | 8x10
Hand Model | Procreate | 8×10